CAPA's 43rd Annual Benefit— September 22nd, 2022
"Dispelling the Myth of the Indispensable Nation"
Click to reserve your spot!

                          Join us on Zoom, Thursday, September 22nd, 2022                          from 6:30-8:00 P.M. CST

Please join us for CAPA’s Annual Benefit, “Dispelling the Myth of the Indispensable Nation, taking place online on Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 from 6:30-8 P.M. CST!  (Read the full Benefit Program here!)

CAPA and the 2022 Host Committee welcome the esteemed scholar Dr. Trita Parsi to help us explore alternatives to American primacy, and dispel the twin myths that America is the indispensable nation and America’s global dominance has made Americans more safe.

The inability to frame a coherent foreign policy strategy that takes into account the self-interest of other nations has left the American electorate and the U.S. foreign policy establishment adrift in a sea of misconceptions – clouded by hubris, a false sense of self-importance, and a myopic and distorted view of the world. The belief that America must dominate the world for it to be stable and America to be safe has led to endless wars rather than endless peace. Take the time to learn why and how to resist ongoing, calamitous U.S. foreign policy blunders, from the Taiwan Strait to the Middle East to Ukraine and beyond.

We will also honor Chicago activist, Andy Thayer, with this year’s Robert A. Cleland Pursuit of Peace Award.

In addition, we will celebrate the important work of CAPA’s Student Network, our Climate and Foreign Policy Working Groups, and invite attendees to share their passions and insights among fellow peacebuilders. See you there!


Host Committee (in formation):

Rich and Andy Amend, Bill and Cele Arnold, Marcia Bernsten, David and Cari Borris, Martha Cray, James Gibbs, Gerry Gorman, Sallie and Alan Gratch, Jack and Maureen Kelly, Miriam Kelm, Jackie and Jerry Kendall, Ed and Ellen McManus, Michael Peshkin, Martha Pierce, Gail Schechter, Denyse Stoneback, Comm’r Larry Suffredin and Gloria Callaci, Ellie Sylvan, Phyllis Tholin, Dilnaz Waraich, Elliot Zashin, Mark Zivin

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Trita Parsi  

Trita Parsi is an award-winning author and the 2010 recipient of the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order. He is an expert on US-Iranian relations, Iranian foreign policy, and the geopolitics of the Middle East. He has authored three books on US foreign policy in the Middle East, with a particular focus on Iran and Israel. He was named by the Washingtonian Magazine as one of the 25 most influential voices on foreign policy in Washington DC in both 2021 and 2022.


Andy Thayer is a co-founder of the Chicago Committee Against War & Racism and the LGBTQ Gay Liberation Network, which takes an intersectional approach to organizing including supporting abortion rights, anti-racist organizing, immigrant rights, pro-Palestinian and anti-war activism. He has helped organize many large protests in Chicago and as part of GLN’s internationalist activism, he has been arrested at LGBT rights demonstrations in Moscow, Russia and participated in solidarity delegations to Honduras. His many articles include “Why Stonewall Matters Today,” “The LGBTQ Movement is an Intersectional Fail” and “Can Bernie Save the Left?

CAPA Student Network  

CAPA’s students chapters at Loyola, Depaul, and U of IL-Urbana Champaign bring their amazing activist and peacebuilding skills throughout their campuses and beyond. With direct action campaigns, legislative advocacy, and grassroots organizing, they are showing what is possible for a just, sustainable, and peaceful future. 

CAPA Climate Group

The CAPA Climate Group tackles some of the most pressing issues of our time, working in solidary with movements to protect land and water, stop pipelines, divest from fossil fuel-investing banks, and change harmful U.S. climate policy. 

CAPA Foreign Policy Working Group

CAPA’s Foreign Policy Working Group is engaged in several exciting campaigns to resist U.S. militarism locally and globally. We collaborate with incredible partners like the Midwest Nuclear Disarmament Coalition, Dissenters, Codepink, World BEYOND War, as well as multiple Palestinian rights and Filipino rights groups among others.  

Unfamiliar with virtual events? We’ve got you covered.

      1. We will be using the Zoom platform for this event. Check out their instructions for getting started here!

      2. If you’re still feeling uneasy about this event format, we would love to talk you through it! Send us an email at to schedule a one-on-one tutorial! 

Wine Recommendations from Nuclear Weapons-Free Countries for your Sipping Enjoyment

(Thanks to Peace Action’s Kevin Martin for these recommendations!)

White Wines

Austria Gruner Veltliner (may be hard to find but if you go to a good
wine shop they should have it. Ask for a recommendation)

New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc

Spain has many varieties
-Cava, a sparkling wine!
-Avoid Freixenet

Red Wines

Australia Shiraz and Shiraz/Cabernet Sauvignon blend

New Zealand Pinot Noir

Spain Rioja (a region in Spain),Tempranillo or Garnacha (these are grape varietals)

South Africa Cabernet Sauvignon and Cab/Shiraz blend

Argentina Malbec or Malbec/Syrah blends

Chile Cabernet Sauvignon (a good one is Cousino Macul Antiguas Reservas)

Thursday, September 22nd, 2022

6:30       Program Begins
6:45       Digital Cocktail Conversation
7:10       Student presentations
7:20       Presentation of Robert A Cleland Award to Andy Thayer
7:30       Keynote from Trita Parsi 
8:00       Event Concludes

Progress toward Our Fundraising Goal of $21,000
$14,802 70%

If you can’t attend this year, but would still like to make a donation, please donate here.
