Chicago Area Peace Action (CAPA) works to promote justice and peace by educating and mobilizing Chicago Area residents and students to promote human and planet oriented policies.  Learn more >>


CAPA Foreign Policy Working Group

U.S. leaders of both major parties allocate $1 trillion in public funds to modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal, and over 50% of our annual Discretionary Budget on an already colossal Pentagon, despite public opinion against such spending. Meanwhile, spending on schools, healthcare, and infrastructure which has public support is denied. 

Join CAPA’s Foreign Policy Working Group to challenge U.S. militarism, imperialism, impunity, and harmful ideologies like “American exceptionalism” and “full spectrum dominance”. 

CAPA Climate Group

As ocean temperatures and levels increase, extreme storms batter population centers and swaths of the planet dry up while others are flooded. The probability of dangerous conflict will increase.

CAPA recognizes the threat climate chaos poses to achieving world peace. Urgent action must be taken to confront and adapt to the effects of climate disruption.

Join the CAPA Climate Group to rise up for people and planet! We work to change racially and economically unjust climate policies, to build life-affirming, sustainable change.

CAPA Student Network

Dependency on a militaristic foreign policy and disregard for our impact on the climate will hurt future generations the most. CAPA works to empower the next wave of leaders by providing them tools and resources that will allow them to challenge the status quo.

CAPA’s Student Network currently includes CAPA DePaul and CAPA Loyola. We’re always looking to engage more student activists for peace — contact capa@chipeaceaction for more info on what CAPA Student Chapters entail!

Learn more about our mission, our history, meet the team, and find out how we spend the money.

Find out about upcoming events organized by CAPA, partners, and supporters.

Read about what leaders and experts in the field have to say about the movement. 


If you would like more information, to volunteer, or intern for CAPA please contact us

Reach Us


PHONE: (224) 645-1203

ADDRESS: 535 Custer Ave. Evanston, IL 60202
