The Cruel Nature of the Israeli Occupation

Annette Braden-Rozier, The Chicago Tribune, Oct 11, 2024.

Jews and Palestinians are suffering, but the dominant narrative is that Israel is the rightful home of the Jews and needs defending against its enemies.

But there is another narrative. The cruel nature of the Israeli occupation in Gaza and the West Bank is vividly portrayed in two recently released documentaries — “Israelism” and “Where Olive Trees Weep.” They show in graphic detail how residents of Gaza and the West Bank have lived in constant fear of being stopped and degraded by Israeli soldiers, shot, arbitrarily detained and tortured, raided at night in their homes, cut off from their farmland, and harassed and attacked by Jewish settlers. For decades, Palestinians have not been free to move, speak out or own property.

There are many organizations that work toward peace. IfNotNow is a movement founded by American Jews who want to end U.S. support for Israel’s apartheid system and demand equality and justice for both Arabs and Jews. Many Jews felt betrayed when they realized that they grew up not ever learning the Palestinian side of Israel’s history. Arabs were viewed as the enemy and as terrorists. Standing Together is another group, made up of Arabs and Jews, that is working toward a future in which Jews and Arabs can live next to each other with equal rights.

The Oct.7 attack on Israel was a horrific event, with painful consequences for both sides. How much worse is it now that Gaza has been turned into a wasteland, hostage families are still waiting for their loved ones and thousands of Israelis have been displaced? And how much worse is it now that Israel is attacking south Lebanon?

The U.S. government is enabling this expanding war. Despite knowing full well that the atrocities committed in Gaza should lead to restrictions in arms shipments, President Joe Biden has kept the weapons pipeline going. No wonder that many Muslims say they won’t vote for Kamala Harris!

Israel should work for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza to finally get the hostages out. Stopping the occupation is the path to peace.

Like these groups working for justice and peace, the Biden government should work with both sides to find a solution to end the bloodshed and achieve permanent peace.

— Annette Braden-Rozier, Evanston

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