10:00 Day 2 of Peace Summit Begins
10:10- 10:55 Antiracism in Organizing Workshop with Beautiful Trouble
11:00- 11:10 BREAK
11:10- 11:55 Breakout Session #2
- Kingian Nonviolence Principles with Chicago’s Addie Wyatt Center— Learn the principles of Kingian Nonviolence with the facilitators from the Addie Wyatt Center for Nonviolence Training. Their mission is to engage and empower communities with the philosophy and methodology of Kingian Nonviolence, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s approach to nonviolent conflict reconciliation.
- Beautiful Trouble Strategic Campaign Design Workshop— This workshop will be a high-level overview of the makings of effective, creative campaigns. We will focus on exploring a suite of tools for campaign development – all available for further exploration in the free, online Beautiful Trouble Toolbox.
- Department of Peacebuilding Campaign Presentation— How we strive to co-create the beloved community in our teams advocating for a cabinet-level Department of Peacebuilding–transforming ourselves, our communities and our government toward a culture of peace.
- Creating Organizing Spaces that Don’t Lead to Burnout Panel with Kathleen Dillon, Ebony Deberry of One Northside,
Nancy Bartekian of SWANA Chicago, and Leah Bae of The Burnout Project.— The topic of burnout has become a growing point of conversation, especially in the pandemic world. We often see self care lists that include things like mediation, taking time-off, saying no— all important things, but also all things that put the burden of doing something to prevent burnout on those that are often overworked. It’s time for organizations and leaders to start asking themselves what they can be doing to create an environment that doesn’t lead to burnout.
12:00- 12:45 Breakout Session #3
- Activism Through Pop Culture with Frank Dorrel, the publisher of Addicted to War, and Emily Dorrel, CODEPINK’s Social Media and Communications Director— This breakout room will focus on distilling and disseminating challenging and complex information to be accessible to a wide range of audiences. Frank will discuss his work publishing the illustrated expose, Addicted to War, and how he’s sought to get it into homes and classrooms across the US and the world. He’ll also discuss his compilation film, What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy, and his work compiling and curating works from great activists as a tool for teaching foreign policy. Emily will discuss her work as CODEPINK’s social media communications director, and the methods through which she presents foreign policy issues in an engaging, concise, and easily digestible way for social media audiences.
- Community Organizing: Lessons from the Rust Belt with Vincent Emanuele of PARC- Politics Art Roots Culture — Politics is about power. And right now, ordinary people have very little. Over the past four years, Vincent Emanuele has been organizing in Michigan City, Indiana, a deindustrialized city that’s been ravaged by Neoliberal economic policies, the War on Drugs, and over-policing. In 2017, Vince and Sergio Kochergin opened P.A.R.C. | Politics Art Roots Culture, a community center and organizing space that’s hosted hundreds of events ranging from political organizing workshops and live music performances to poetry readings, felony expungement workshops, soup kitchens, documentary film screenings, community barbeques, art installations, and much more. Vince will talk about the methods and approaches they use in Michigan City, Indiana.
- Moving Beyond an Us vs Them Perspective with Peace Journalist Robert C Koehler — In this breakout, Robert will address questions such as— what is Restorative Justice? What is a peace circle? How do they fit into a transcendent future? He will review excerpts from his work “Power With, Power Over”; talk about his book project, which is about moving, at an institutional as well as a personal level, beyond a belief in domination, violence and punishment to connection, empathy and healing; then open things up to a Q&A discussion.
- Kathy Kelly on Why We Need to Ban Ban Killer Drones — Kathy Kelly will talk about experiences living in lands where weaponized drones fire at civilians who also experience trauma because of constant drone surveillance. Noting increasing use of drones by police and military groups in the U.S., this breakout session will consider campaigns for an international treaty to ban weaponized drones and also prohibit police and military use of drone surveillance.
- CAPA’s Defund the Pentagon Campaign Presentation— CAPA is advocating for a 10% cut to the bloated military budget for next year’s National Defense Authorization Act. Join this breakout to learn why we need to defund the Pentagon, learn about the campaign, and how you can get involved!
12:45- 1:00 PM Closing remarks
Don’t miss out on this program! Register today for the 2021 Peace Summit!