Ongoing – Lobby for Ceasefire in Gaza
We are working with National Peace Action (PA) and its Chapters across the U.S. to plan and augment our activism as it relates to the ongoing death and destruction in Gaza. We encourage continued participation in protests organized by partners and friends like the Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, as numbers in the streets are one important part of the resistance.
In addition, like other Peace Action Chapters, we have experience and skills in lobbying elected officials. Two types of lobbying efforts are grassroots lobbying, which involves inundating offices with messages; and direct lobbying, which involves individual meetings with an elected official or key staffer.
The CAPA board will take steps to schedule direct lobby meetings — meanwhile, we invite you to partner with us in CAPA’s grassroots lobbying effort through calls and emails to Congressmembers to demand a CEASEFIRE in GAZA as a first necessary step to end the killing, and to make space for negotiations toward solutions to the myriad humanitarian crises facing the region.
Please click here to join us in the next weeks on getting large numbers of calls and emails to Congress members. Numbers matter. We hope you can join in this grassroots lobbying effort on behalf of the peoples of the Middle East.